

Our Vision

Since 2Q 2019, Drini I Bardhe created and developed an expanded vision for its future. This vision is focused on the real aspects of creating great and successful, long-term opportunities, and benefits for the Republic of Kosovo, and especially for the Radac region, and its communities. We called this vision the “Drini I Bardhe – Legacy Water Program”.

Under our Legacy Water Program, Drini I Bardhe has developed a number of great projects for the Radac region, that realizes the following;


Thus our vision of our Legacy Water Program brings a great number of successful benefits for the Republic of Kosovo, the Radac region, and its communities.


Current Projects – 2020

– Drini I Bardhe Water Production Facilities

Drini I Bardhe is expanding its manufacturing and production facilities at its Peja-Nosevelle location in the Radac region, by realizing a completely new, from the ground up, advanced modern production facilities and plant, utilizing 100% renewable energy, sustainable waste recovery systems, and innovative packaging systems. This new production plant will be approx. 11,000 sqm in size, with the goal of producing greater than 1/2 billion liters per annum, with its own logistics hub.

This project is scheduled for initial realization in 2021 with its completion in 2022.


– Drini Recycle Technologies Facilities

Drini I Bardhe is taking its innovative sustainability towards Carbon Neutral a great step forward, by the realization of a completely new, advanced modern Recycling and Technologies facilities and plant in the Radac region in Kosovo. This is ultimately, a major step further and beyond, that which no other premium global beverage and food production company can state. This will be a best in class advance recycling and technology facilities and plant, utilizing 100% renewable energy and systems. Our Recycle and Technologies facilities will utilize our proprietary technologies to implement and engineer the most advanced recycle techniques, and machinery to realize key recycled products from PET, and other materials that in turn will be utilized in our bottle production facilities, and sold into the market and globally.


The facilities will also engineer and realize different types of machinery for different types of usage and will carry the “Made in Kosovo” stamp, thus will be a great benefit for the Republic of Kosovo. This recycling and technologies facilities will be across three plants each being approx. 5,000 sqm in size on one compound.

This project is scheduled for initial realization in 2021 with its completion in 2022.



Drini I Bardhe has started the realization of its vision, its Legacy Water Program in late 2019,
and has continued this process throughout 2020, a year in which will forever be remembered due to the global Covid issue. While we have had to all deal with this issue locally, and globally, we are pleased to announce that we have had great success for our initial realization of the two projects from our Legacy Water Program.

Clap. Clap. Clap… Hello and welcome to our new blog. Here’s where you’ll find the latest & greatest news on everything about Spirit of Drini – from cool product/service updates to interviews with employees (yes, there are wildly interesting people running around here starting with me of course).

What is Spirit of Drini you ask? Spirit of Drini is a new, fresh and distinctive brand of mineral water. Our natural mineral water from the legendary high mountain spring
 Drini I Bardhe in the Dinaric Mediterranean Alps ranks among the finest waters in the world – thanks to its purity and outstanding quality.

Now you may not have heard of Spirit of Drini yet, which is totally cool, you will hear a lot from and about us very soon. A mere 18 months ago none of us had the slightest clue we would be where we are today, there was no factory or company and many of the key people had not even met yet. So you are probably wondering what exactly did happen in those 18 months? Well, we will share many interesting stories about that, and what the future holds on this blog very soon. So stay tuned!

In addition to company news you’ll find tons of great posts about water (shocking I know), hydration tips, tips how to save water, we’ll discuss health & fitness tips and cool recipes as well as sustainability and environmental responsibility at Spirit of Drini. You’ll learn more about the progress of our own foundation and the charities we will support as we grow and continue our mission to solve the global water crisis, sip by sip.

Along the way, we’ll try to make this blog a touch more interesting to read than your refrigerator’s user manual. Promise!

So bookmark this blog, email it to a friend or colleague and follow us on social media and let’s pump up the volume on news at Spirit of Drini. And of course, we’d love getting your feedback on Spirit of Drini and this blog &mdash and what you want to see discussed (and showcased) in the future on our blog? Let us know in the comment section below or send us a message via our contact page. We read every comment and message and we will try to respond to as many as possible!

Also if you have any questions whatsoever or if there is anything else we can do for you, please get in touch with us if you have any questions.

Until next time friends…

Prof. Egbert Schnuse Dipl. Ing., MBA., M.Sc.
78315 Radolfzell – Germany

Expert German

Product and Environmental Analysis
Project Management and Controlling
BVFS – Nr.: 1490 / 3310
Expertcert Nr.: SCHNU-3-06/D05-7/SV/ProMa

Expert Opinion

Visible, white, crystalline mineral precipitations in Mineral Water filled in Glass and Polyethylenterephthalat (PET) bottles of different sizes.

Bottler: DRINI I BARDHE Sh.p.k
Str. Peja – Novoselle
30000 Peja – Novoselle
Republic of Kosovo



The company DRINI I BARDHE the manufacturer fills since 2015 natural mineral water directly from the source “DRINI I BARDHE “ in 30000 Peja – Radac , Republic of Kosovo in Glass and PET bottles of various sizes.

The company is HACCP accredited.

The mineral water SPIRIT OF DRINI is subject to ongoing controls from:

In some Glass and PET bottles of different sizes are claimed by customers and consumers visible white crystalline particles, particle size 0,2 – 0,7 mm, perceived by the human eye as flocculation.

The crystalline particles were examined by various internal and external laboratories.

All analyses adduce the same result:

The white crystalline particles are Carbonates→CaCOɜor Calciumhydrogencarbonates →Ca(HCOɜ)₂.

Cause of the crystalline visible particles of Carbonates/Calciumhydrogencarbonates in the water “Spirit of Drini“:

How comes the Calcium carbonates in the water?

Calciumhydrogencarbonat forms during the water uptake of Calciumcarbonat through limestone mountain layers, essentially consist of Calcium carbonate by the action of water and Carbon dioxide.

The Carbon dioxide dissolves with water partly as Carbonic acid which continues to Hydrogen, the further dissociated to hydrogen carbonate and thereby provides protons.

At the same time, Calcium carbonate dissolves in small quantities in the water with the release of Carbonate–ions.

These take over the Hydrogen–ions offered by the Carbonic acid and likewise become hydrogen carbonate-ions.

Thus in the case of the Carbonate dissolution of limestone, in each case one equivalent proportion of Bicarbonate-ions, the other from the rock.

CaCOɜ+ CO₂+ H₂O ↔ Ca²+ (aq)+ 2 HCOɜˉˉ ( aq )

In order to keep in water Calciumhydrogencarbonat in solution, a certain concentration of a so-called “natural associated Carbonic Acid“ is needed.

Chemically, this is not different from any other Carbonic acid, it`s just about the proportion.

This associated Carbonic acid in the dissociation equilibrium with the existing hydrogen carbonate-ions, the pH of the water just so low, that in turn dependent share

on this pH value Carbonate-ions together with the existing Calcium-concentration just does not exceed the solubility of Calcium Carbonates.

The mineral water “SPIRIT OF DRINI“ contains 23 mg/ L natural Carbonic acid.

Calciumhydrogencarbonat thus exists only in aqueous solution in coexistence equivalent amounts of calcium and Hydrogen carbonate-ions.

The warmness for example from the natural spring temperature of 9 to over 20 degrees Celsius and different changing temperatures, the natural Carbon dioxide escapes from the water.

As a result, the dissociation equilibrium of the Carbonic acid shifts again in the direction of the Carbonate-ions, that is on the left side of the above reaction equation.


  1. In general, all uncarbonated mineral water`s which are flowing through limestone layers, mostly in the high mountain regions as the “Spirit of Drini“ natural mineral water comes from, have the effect to stabilize the Carbon dioxide to keep the Carbonates liquid.
  1. The crystallized particles are from natural origin and are absolutely harmless for consumption. The high quality of taste of the water “Spirit of Drini“ also remains the same.

Prof. Egbert Schnuse